...You may earn salvation under my command but hardlyrichesProduct InformationEuropa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration tradewarfare and diplomacy. It is an epic strategy game where players takecontrol of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great globalempire. Thousands of missions and decisions create a deeply engrossinghistorical framework where you guide your country through the eras to writehistory as you intend it to be. Included in the collection is the multipleaward- winning Europa Universalis III enhanced by the expansions Napoleon’sAmbition and In Nomine. The timeline of the original game has beenexpanded forward through the Napoleonic Era to 1820 and backwards to let youstart as early as 1399 while the Hundred Years War between England and Franceis still going on.Product Title Included Europa Universalis III In Nomine Expansion Pack Napoleon's Ambition Expansion PackProduct OverviewEuropa Universalis IIIUnparalleled in its depth and historical accuracy Europa Universalis III givesthe player unprecedented freedom in how they choose to rule their nation from animpressive choice of over 250 historically accurate countries. Battle forcontrol of the seas destroy or capture your enemies' ships so you can blockadehis ports and weaken economy. Play some of the most pivotal moments inhistory. Can you lad the Americans to liberty or do you want too crush therevolts against their rightful King? Build improvements for yourprovinces like Market Places to boost your economy and courthouses toadminister justice.A new era is about to begin. Take on the world as empires are built oldworlds are destroyed unclaimed territories are discovered and nations fight forwhat is theirs.Features: Players can enjoy over 300 years of game play by starting at ANY date between 1453 and 1789. Nation building is flexible: decide your o
Price: $29.99
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